Protection and Armour for Noxious and Alarming Mosquitoes Around (P.A.N.A.M.A.)


  • Astrid Medina
  • Clara Francesca Dela Cruz
  • Julian Caleb Dela Cruz


Device, Systems, Mosquito, Dengue, Electronics, Attractant



According to the World Health Organization, the incidence of dengue fever has "grown dramatically," with some 390 million dengue infections estimated to occur every year. in the Philippines, dengue is certainly prevalent especially in the province (Devonshire, 2016). This investigatory project designed and constructed a device that can attract and kill mosquitoes.


Establishment of the device started with the formulation and fermentation of the attractant made from Muscovado sugar and yeast. It was followed by designing and constructing the octagonal body of the device made up of acrylic plastic sheet. Construction of internal mechanism inaugurated by the installation of zapper and fan. Afterward, the fan was programmed using Arduino 1.8.5. to function during the said time settings. Accuracy tests regarding its killing, attracting, and charging ability was tested. Z-test and one-way ANOVA were performed toanalyze the data.


Results showed that all accuracy tests performed by the device acquired a 99% accuracy rate in performing the general operations. The f-value, 0.077, was less than the f-critical level, 3.220, which indicates that there was no significant difference between the number of mosquitoes attracted and killed by the device during the said time settings, which signified that the device would be functional regardless of the time. Z-test can't be performed due to the variance of the second group, which is 0. There was a significant difference between the number of mosquitoes attracted and killed by the device with and without attractant.


Through this means, the objective of the project was to attract and kill mosquitoes, therefore, resulting in a safer environment for the benefit of all. It was concluded that P.A.N.A.M.A. is a device that can attract and kill mosquitoes by its Muscovado sugar and yeast solution.

