Utilization of Ripe Carabao Mango (Mangifera indica) Peel Extract as a Biostimulant for Rice Plant (Oryza sativa)


  • Juan Carlos Maltizo De Leon
  • Maria Cristina R. Miranda
  • Sam Immanuel M. Gaylican


Biostimulant, Mangifera indica, Oryza sativa, Peel Extract, Rice Yield, Soxhlet Extraction



Population growth has exceeded rice yield growth since the mid-1990s and the gap has been growing steadily larger, creating a significant imbalance between supply and demand. Moreover, total factor productivity has been declining, meaning that farmers now have to use higher amounts of inputs to obtain the same yields as before. Widespread hunger and malnutrition, especially in Asia, made it clear that production of rice needed to increase to avoid famine. The purpose of this study is to assess the capability of ripe carabao mango peel extract in increasing rice yield.


Mango peels were washed, dried, cut to pieces, and soaked in 95% ethanol for 8 hours. The mango peels were then wrapped in filter paper and loaded in the main chamber of a Soxhlet extractor. The ethanol with the extract was collected and evaporated using an evaporating dish in a water bath. Four setups with three two-month-old rice plants in each setup were then prepared. Finally, the obtained extract was diluted for 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% concentration, and was applied to the rice plants.


After two weeks of application, data was gathered and analyzed. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to interpret the results for rice height and weight. Both F values were higher than the critical values for rice height and weight, so the null hypotheses are rejected, which means that there is a significant difference between rice height and weight at different levels of extract concentration. Greater height and weight were observed at higher concentrations. The relationship of these to rice yield was then interpreted using the Pearson-R Correlation Test. The obtained correlation coefficient was positive and higher than 0.7, showing a robust positive correlation between rice height and weight, and rice yield. As the height and weight increases, yield also increases.


The results demonstrate that ripe carabao mango peel extract is an effective biostimulant for rice plant. It is recommended, however, to apply the extract during the early growth stage of the rice plant and for a more extended period; to see its effects more clearly. Further study for improvements will allow the extract to be utilized both agriculturally and economically.

