The Management on CFC-Producing Energized Electrical Equipment for the Rehabilitation of the Ozone Layer


  • Geraldine Obina


reduction management, CFC, equipment, rehabilitation



The management of chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) helps to decrease ozone depletion and global warming all over the world. CFCs react with the ozone layer, creating a hole that exposes the surface of the earth to stronger UV radiation. Unfortunately, CFCs are used for various purposes and are used in refrigerants, aerosols, and solvents. It is essential to know the things that produce CFC to understand how to reduce CFC production.


For analyzing the management of CFC, the researchers developed a questionnaire study. By using random sampling, a sample of 150 senior high school students was selected from Urdaneta City National High School (UCNHS) of Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. Based on the study, the majority of the respondents had a refrigerator at home. Based on their statements, their refrigerators had the most extended average usage (in years).


By using analysis of variance, results of this study show that there is no significant difference in the reduction management of CFC in the implementation of CFC-producing products, equipment usage and consumption, and recycling management. Based on the given statements, the overall ANOVA is 110.793, the Sig (p-value) is 0.478, the interpretation is significant, and the decision is to accept the hypothesis.


The results illustrate that students of UCNHS can reduce the usage of appliances that produce CFCs. The school should integrate into the curriculum the teaching and reducing the usage of appliances that produce CFCs.

