An Ecological Assessment of Mangrove Eco-Tourist Spots in Calatagan, Batangas


  • John Auldreen L. Dimaano
  • Darwin D. Datinguinoo
  • Precious Ann B. Gonzales


ecotourism, carrying capacity, ecological assessment



Ecotourism is one of the drivers of the holistic progress ofCalataganand sustainable development in Batangas. Ecotourism locations are rapidly growing in terms of the number of visitors but their sustainability remains unchecked. As a result, the environment is prone to damage from environmental problems such as pollution. In this study the physicochemical characteristics and the carrying capacity of ecotourism locations were evaluated for sustainable tourism management and planning.


The study described the physicochemical conditions and tourism carrying capacity of the ecotourist spots in terms of salinity, temperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, dissolved oxygen, and pH level. Moreover, the Boullon's Carrying Capacity Mathematical Model (BCCMM) was employed to determine the standard number of visitors that can be accommodated. An interview with key informants was used to collect the average number of visitors.


Data gathered from the mangrove eco-tourist spots of Bagong Silang, Carretunan, andQuilitisanshowed that it has a non-polluted marine water based on the standard proposed byImneisiandAydin(2016) in terms of pH level, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and the total dissolved solid as stated byGoeland Sharma (1996). Based on the interview, the average count of the visitors per day areas follows: Bagong Silang with 46 persons, Quilitisanwith 48 persons, andCarretunan52 with persons. Using the Buollon's Carrying Capacity Model, the Real Carrying Capacity (RCC) of the followingBarangayswas calculated on a daily basis as follows:BagongSilangwith 55 visitors,Quilitisanwith 59 visitors,Carretunanwith 63 visitors.


The results demonstrated that the mangrove eco-tourist spots inCalataganare currently in good ecological condition. Also, it showed that the mangrove eco-tourist spots have high potential for increasing economic yield or income since there is a discrepancy between the real carrying capacity and the actual number of visitors. Hence, developing additional eco-tourism activities and promotion will be beneficial to the community while at the same time conserving the environment.

