The Construction and Evaluation of an Oil Spill Dispersant using Tamarindus indica (Tamarind) Seed Extract


  • Angeline Cordel
  • Jay Gumba
  • Calvin Rodelas


Construction, Evaluation, Oil Spill Dispersant, Tamarind, Tamarindus indica



Oil spills are one of the major problems in our community. Oil spill happens when oil is leaked from ships, shore facilities, pipelines and offshore platforms. Oil spills affect humans and the environment as there are several routes by which oil can get back to humans and marine species from accidental spills. The objective of research was to introduce the potential of tamarind seed extract as organic oil spill dispersant to disperse oil spills. Generally, the purpose of the study is to make an organic oil dispersant using Tamarindus Indica (tamarind) seed and to evaluate its effectiveness in terms of dispersing efficacy.


This study is an experimental research. The researchers gathered the tamarind seeds inBinakayanPublic Market and were brought to Adamson University to undergo extraction process through Sulfuric Acid Digestion. The researchers provided 3 clean containers, 2 gallons of saltwater, the egg mixer, 3 kinds of petroleum product (gasoline, fuel oil, kerosene) and the tamarind seed extract itself. The time and frequency of stirring and amount of oil was controlled in the study. The data gathered were from the rating of the researchers through a Likert scale and was interpreted using T Test of Independent Samples and One-Way Analysis of Variance.


Since the computed t values (4.42, 4.75 and 8.42) were clearly beyond the critical values (4.30 and 3.18) it can be inferred that there is a significant difference between the negative control and the tamarind seed extract. On the other hand, to answer the second specific research question, the researchers used One Way ANOVA test. The computed average for the trials in gasoline (3.33, 3.33,4.33), fuel oil (3.00, 4.33, 4.00) and in kerosene (4.33, 5.00, 4.33) was interpreted using the One-Way ANOVA test. Based on the result, the constructed oil spill dispersant is more effective in kerosene since the computed average of the kerosene (4.55) was higher than the computed average of gasoline and fuel oil which is3.66and3.77. Also, using the One-Way ANOVA, the calculated critical value was 5.14; however, the computed f value was 2.19.


The researchers found out that the constructed oil spill dispersant is more effective in kerosene. The researchers concluded that using this oil spill dispersant can help the community to have unpolluted bodies of water.

