The Child-Rearing Practices of Married Teachers in Public Elementary Schools in the Talisay District and their Influence on Children's Development


  • Kienne Ira Contreras


Child Rearing Practices, Achievement training, Nurturance training, Self-reliance training, Obedience training, Married teachers



Child-rearing practices include experiences, skills, qualities, and responsibilities involved in being a parent and in teaching and caring for a child. Parents now are engaged in work, while contemplating their responsibilities as mother and father so they can raise their children to be morally upright.InTalisayDistrict, there are many working parents, who have children needing their love and attention. It is for this reason that the researcher who is a guidance designate deemed it wise to conduct an investigation on the kind of child-rearing practices of married teachers and their influence to children's development in Talisay District.


The descriptive method of research was employed in the study with the questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data. The first part dealt with the child-rearing practices of married teachers towards nurturance, achievement, obedience, self-reliance, and trainings. The second part focused on the child-rearing practices of married teachers in terms of physical, emotional, and social development. There were 28 married teachers involved in this study from the 7 public elementary schools in Talisay District, School Year 2018-2019. The weighted mean, frequency, percentage, ranking, and Pearson product moment coefficient of correlation were the statistical tools applied by the researcher in the analysis and interpretation of the data.


With an accumulated over-all average weighted mean 4.20, it is indicated that the married teacher-respondents oftentimes adhere to the practices that influenced their children in terms of their physical, emotional, and social development; wherein social development ranked first; emotional development, second, and last in the rank was physical development.


The findings implied that the married teacher-respondents fromTalisayDistrict have much concern with the children and are responsible in raising them. Married people do childrearing practices towards nurturance, achievement obedience, and self-reliance. They prioritize the physical, emotional and social development of their children by providing facilities in a clean environment, developing emotional security, showing love and concern, feeling of belongingness and providing opportunities to help them face new challenges.

