Screening of Selected Plant Fibers as Reinforcement Material for Concrete Hollow Blocks


  • John Markus I. Angeles
  • Mark Angelo S. Aquillano
  • Aisac D. Diosomito


Screening of selected plant fibers as reinforcement material for concrete hollow blocks



This study aims to know which plant fiber is better at strengthening hollow blocks. The researchers know that this study will be helpful to others especially for people who want to build a strong and tougher house. The building environment in developing countries is a major challenge in the 21st century. The use of local materials in the construction of buildings is one of the potential ways to support a sustainable development in both rural and urban areas. Manufacturers and buyers want an invulnerable hollow block because they want an enduring material for them to save money.


Rubber plant roots, abaca fibers and snakeplant fibers were collected, washed, dried, cut, and set aside. Also, 20 kg of cement, 6 liters of water, and 80 kg of sand were mixed and divided into 4 set-ups. SetupA was not mixed with any plant fiber. Setup B was mixed with Ficus elastica. Setup C was mixed with abaca fibers and Set-up D was mixed with snake plant fibers. The mixture from each set up was moulded into hollow blocks and dried for 28 days. These were then tested for compressive strength.


Results of the investigation show that the compressive strength of sample concrete hollow blocks for Setup A is 114 psi, 321 psi for Setup B, 171 psi for Setup C, and 167.5 psi for Setup D.


Based on the results of the study, the setup high in fiber has more compressive strength compared to the controlled setup. And the setup that has the highest compressive strength is the setup with Ficus elastica. This means that adding Ficus elastica in a concrete mixture can increase the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks.

