Bamboo (Bambusoideae) Fiber as a Substitute Material for Roof Insulation


  • Veronica Marie Diroy
  • Zaironil Angue
  • Rhonelyn Fango


roof insulator



A roof insulator is a board-type product that is used to reduce the rate of heat transfer, usually of low or medium density. Roof insulator produces a thermal insulation in a roofing system. The researchers investigated if there is any significant difference in the temperature of prototype houses with or without roof insulation.


In this study, the roof insulator was made out of the mixture of 40 grams of bamboo fiber and 20 ml of rugby. First, the bamboo sticks were placed in a container with water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Then, the bamboo sticks were hammered until they were finer in size. Lastly, it was combined with rugby in a 4x4 inch handmade molder and was dried. Two prototype houses were prepared. One was lined with roof insulator while the other one was not. Temperature sensors were attached to each prototype. Then, the temperatures were read three times in between 2-hour intervals.


The temperature readings in setup one (with bamboo) were 33.7°C, 28.56°C, and 23.15°C. on the other hand, the temperature reading in setup two were 33.9°C, 30.12°C, and 29.18°C.


Results show a difference of 0.2°C, 1.56°C, and 6.03°C. Apparently higher temperatures were observed in setup two than in setup one. This means that the roof insulator is an effective device that has served its purpose.

