Development of Photovoltaic Cells Based on Kadyos Pod-Synthesized Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Natural Dye from Purple Purple Knight and Purple Shamrock Leaves Ethanolic Extract


  • Junel Arellano
  • Margaux Amiel Salavante


Photovoltaic Cell, Purple Knight, Purple Shamrock, Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles



Solar energy is one of the widely used sources of energy in the Philippines through the establishment of industrial photovoltaic plants. Photovoltaic cells have drawn attention as an alternative source of electricity because of their low cost of production, ease of fabrication and manipulation, and reasonably high efficiency. Zinc oxide nanoparticles with natural dye are usually tapped in the development of photovoltaic cell.


The ZnO NPs were synthesized by mixing and boiling the dried fine Kadyos pod powder in deionized water until the color of the aqueous solution changes from watery to light green. The mixture was then filtered. The filtrate was then mixed with Zinc acetate dehydrate and few drops of 2.0M NaOH solution. The synthesized ZnO NPs (white precipitate) was washed with distilled water and ethanol and dried at hot air oven at room temperature. Then, the ZnO NPs were then made into paste and combined with natural dye from Purple Knight and PurpleShamrock and utilized as photovoltaic cell.


In thIs study, ZnO NPs were successfully synthesized using Kadyos pod extract as capping and reducing agent which was confirmed by UV vis Spectrometer with peak absorbance between 200nm and 300 nm. Scanning Electron Microscope showed that the particles were aggregated, irregular in shape and varied in size. DMRT at 0.05α revealed that the Kadyos pod-assisted synthesized ZnO NPs and natural dye from Purple Shamrock leaves or Purple Knight leaves extract produced a significant higher current and voltage output than the Zinc oxide with the two aforementioned extracts at varying time periods (9:00 am, 12:00 pm and 2 pm).


Phytochemicals present in Kadyos pod may be responsible in the synthesis of ZnO NPs while the anthocyanin from the two plant extracts may explain their ability in generating the photovoltaic cell. It was confirmed in this study that the total anthocyanin content and total monomeric anthocyanin pigments of the Purple Shamrock extract is significantly higher than the Purple Knight extract which explains that the former produced a higher current voltage output than the latter when used as materials in the photovoltaic cell. This result could provide valuable inputs in developing a low cost and feasible environment-friendly source of dye sensitized solar cells which can lessen the problem on power shortage as well as promote sustainable development.

