Developing the Problem Solving Skills in Chemistry through the Algorithm Approach


  • Chona Pangilinan


algorithm approach, experimental



This study aimed to develop the problem-solving skills in Chemistry of the senior high school students using the algorithm approach with the end view of providing drill exercises. It attempted to find out how the algorithm approach is utilized by science teachers in teaching Chemistry.


The study made use of experimental design and questionnaire. Participants of the study were from the two sectionsof Grade 12 STEM strand who were enrolled in General Chemistry 1 during the first semester of the school year 2018-2019 at Palahanan National High School. Participants composed of 18 students in the controlled group, and 17 students in the experimental group, equated according to their previous general weighted average in core and applied science subjects in Grade 11. A total of eight science teachers were also part of the study to determine how the algorithm approach is utilized in teaching Chemistry, andthe difficulties they encountered in utilizing the algorithm approach in teaching Chemistry topics. Statistical treatments applied were frequency, percentage, weighted mean and two-tailed test of independence.


Based on the findings, the teachersstrongly agreed that the algorithm approach can be utilized by engaging students to procedural approaches in solving stoichiometry related problems, and they often encountered difficulties in utilizing algorithm approach in teaching Chemistry such as one-trial then quit mentality of the students, lack of critical thinking ability, and lack of prior knowledge of the students in Chemistry concepts. Results also revealed an increase in the problem-solving skills of the students from basic to mastery level when exposed to traditional teaching method and from basic to advanced level when exposed to the algorithm approach. Significant differences were observed in the post-test.


The study recommended that proposed problem-solving exercises integrating algorithm approach may be reviewed and tried in teaching General Chemistry 1 to develop the problem-solving skills of the students. The algorithm approach must also be tried out in other disciplines, and the treatment period should be lengthened. A similar study may also be done focusing on other year levels with concern in developing not only their problem-solving skills but also other skills required by the 21st-century learner.

