An Evaluation of Apium graveolens L.(Celery) Extract as a Potential Platelet Anti-Coagulator


  • Vince Atalin
  • Denille Kezia Pangilinan
  • Justine Kurt Tampis


Evaluation, Apium graveolens, Potential Platelet



Celery leaves known primarily as a throwaway top to an already underappreciated vegetable are so often discarded, but it has many significant medicinal value , it is used to treat joint pain, gout, hysteria, and etc. Celery stem has a presence of argine an amino acid that expand the blood vessels, and the whole plants contain flavonoid. It has been reported that some flavonoids possess anti platelets aggregation effect.


With the aim to relief the people suffering from cardiovascular disease such narrowing the arteries, caused by over clotting of platelets that can block the passageways of blood that may lead to heart attack or stroke, this research study will evaluate the potential of Apium graveolens L. celery leaves extract as anti-coagulator.


Through the use of spectrophotometer, the aggregation of platelets in different concentration was measured by light transmission. Crude extract of celery was gathered through air drying and grounding, and soaking in ethanol for 48 hours. The mixture was put through double broiler to evaporate the ethanol, Extracted celery with different concentration (100%, 75%, 50% and 25%)NSS as diluent, was added by 100 micro liter of platelets and serve as the experimental set up, which was compared to positive control with 5 mg of aspirin and negative control having only the platelets. aggregation was measured.


After subjecting the solution into the spectrophotometer , the values of the mean absorbance were collected. It showed that using 100% mean value is 24.23 Au, 75% mean is 33.47 Au, 50% is 26.7 Au, 25% is 33.3 Au, and positive control mean is 25.3. The higher the transmittance, lower absorbance, the lower the degree of aggregation. After testing and comparing the results, the positive control, aspirin, significantly showed that it is better as anti-coagulant, compared to the extracted celery leaves, however the pure extract of celery leaves differ significantly as anti-coagulant compared to the diluted treatments. Among the treatment the higher absorbance of light is the aspirin, followed by the 100 percent extract, so it shows that the higher the light absorbance, the higher concentration of the compound dissolved in a given solvent.

