The Utilization of Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) Seeds And Commercial Activated Carbon In Two-stage Water Purification Device


  • Jaira Pancho
  • Rhona Kaye Santillan
  • Shania Ann Jimenez
  • Alfred Diaz


Malunggay seed, Commercial activated carbon, two-stage water purification device, groundwater, water purification



This study focuses on using Malunggay seeds (Moringa oleifera) and commercial activated carbon in two-stage water purification device to purify groundwater. The activated carbon was attached to the device.


The Malunggay seeds were pounded into fine powder. The collected water samples undergo treatment using the device. Pre-test post-test design was employed in the study. The parameters used are pH level, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, ammonium content, iron content and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).


Before the treatment of the device, the collected water shows a result of7.66, 1417 Âμs/cm, 28.1 NTU, 8.6 mg/l, 1.95 ppm, 2.9 ppm, and 8.2 mg/l consecutively. Based on these results, conductivity, turbidity, iron content and BOD did not pass the standards set by Philippine National Standards and WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. After using the device, the results are as follows: conductivity, 435 Âμs/cm; turbidity, 5.1 NTU; iron content, 0.032 ppm and BOD, 1.2 mg/l. Based on these results, conductivity, turbidity, iron content and BOD did not pass the standards set by Philippine National Standards and WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. After using the device, the results are as follows: conductivity, 435 Âμs/cm; turbidity, 5.1 NTU; iron content, 0.032 ppm and BOD, 1.2 mg/l. Based on these results, conductivity, turbidity, iron content passed the said standards after the application of the device. T-test: Assuming Equal Variances was used to determine the significant difference before and water the treatment of water. The t-stat values in different parameters used are as follows: conductivity, 10.51; turbidity; 18.82; iron content, 446.10 and BOD, 16.81. While the computed t-critical value for all the parameters were computed as 4.30.


The result shows that there is significant difference before and after the treatment. This indicates that Malunggay seed and commercial activated carbon in two-stage water purification device can be used as ground water purifier.

