The Growth of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L) Treated with HUMOS (Human Urine Moringa oleifera Leaves and Pulverized Oyster Shells) Mixture


  • Joseph Daniel B. Santiago
  • Ma. Janele Salvador
  • Noah Christopher Brazan


humos, fertilizer



Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is one of the economically important vegetable crops in the Philippine economy, vegetable-growing communities remain in general poverty because some of the farmers are too poor to purchase a pre-made fertilizer. This study aimed to determine the effects of the plant treated with human urine, malunggay leaves and oyster shells mixture (HUMOS) in terms of height and number of leaves of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.).


Experimental design was used in the study. The experiment consisted of two nutrient sources: HUMOS (human urine, Moringa oleifera leaves and pulverized oyster shells mixture) and commercial fertilizer and the control. The black plastics with the same amount of soil were filled with five (5) eggplants (Solanum melongena L. ) each. The resulting mixture was applied to the eggplants in experimental set-up. Observation on the said parameters was done every day for four weeks from day 7 to day 35 age of the eggplants. Accurate measurements were determined by weight of oyster shells (10g) and malunggay leaves (10g) and the volume of water (35ml) and human urine (5ml). These were used in preparing the mixture as alternative fertilizer.


The controlled set-up (A) showed the average height of eggplants of 25.29cm during week 1, an average of 36.60cm during week 2, week 3 of 43.06 cm and during week 4 of 50.36 cm. On the other hand, experimental set-up (B) had the greatest average height of 27.72cm during week 1, 43.86 cm on week 2 and week 3 with an average of 56.46 cm and week 4 of 68.46 cm. Set-up C during week 1 had an average height of 25.29 cm, week 2 of 36.71 cm, week 3 of 45.43cm and week 4 of 54.49 cm. (HUMOS) showed the greatest height in eggplants. The controlled set-up (A) showed the average number of leaves of eggplants of 2.65 during week 1 to week 4. On the other hand, set-up (B) had a greatest average number of leaves of eggplant of 2.79. Set-upC during week 1 to week 4 had an average number of leaves of eggplants of2.70. This means that eggplants in set-up B( HUMOS) still had the greatest number of leaves among three set-ups.


Based on the ANOVA test done on eggplants (Solanum melongena L.), the results revealed that the application of HUMOS had significant difference on the growth of eggplants in terms of height and the number of leaves as compared to the control and commercial fertilizer. This means that the use of HUMOS provided fastest growth in eggplant in terms of height and number of leaves. The presence of essential plant nutrients, its easy preparation and its ecofriendly nature suggest the greater practical importance of HUMOS as an effective alternative fertilizer.

