The Feasibility of Jicama (Pachyrizus erosus) as Low Carb Tea


  • Honeyz Jamille C. Garcia


Jicama (Pachyrizus erosus) (singkamas), low carb, control variable, experimental variable



Many commercialized products are out in the market nowadays that may prolong well-balanced nutrition. This study begins with us thinking about how to develop a sufficient and affordable product that can sustain essential nutrients to our body while maintaining good health condition. inthis study, the researcher aimed to use Jicama (Pachyrizus erosus) (singkamas) in producing a nutritious, effective and cheap low carb tea that is also rich in fiber to prevent weight gain or even promote weight loss.


Experimental method was used. We used indicators such as hydrochloric acid, calamansi extract, vinegar and Benedict solution to test and compare the presence of carbohydrates in the extracted raw Jicama (Pachyrizus erosus)(singkamas) and the pulverized Jicama (Pachyrizus erosus) (singkamas) in order to make sure that the carbohydrate content of the product will not be affected despite of being toasted. We used mice as control and experimental variables to show the effectiveness of Jicama as a weight loss tea.


The study revealed that after testing the presence of carbohydrates in the raw extracted Jicama and the Jicama Low Carb Tea, there was no difference in carbohydrate content even if we toast the Jicama. It still has its obtained presence of relatively low carbohydrates. in addition to this, the experimental variable (Mouse was treated with Jicama (Pachyrizus erosus) (singkamas) Low Carb tea gained a total average growth of 10.71 grams per day which is relatively lower to that of the control variable (Mouse B treated with water) which obtained a total average growth of 19.64 grams per day. These two variables were treated in a span of 28 days only. It was shown in the results of the experiments conducted that Jicama Low Carb tea is effective for weight gain prevention.


Since we have found out that Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) (singkamas) is effective in producing a low-carb tea even though it has undergone the process of toasting, it is highly recommended to use this product in preventing weight gain. Jicama has high levels of dietary fiber which has a notable effect in attaining the goal of this tea. This affordable product can sustain essential nutrients to our body while maintaining good health condition.

