The Comparative Analysis of Ground Dried Fish Gills of Round Scad and Milkfish with Dried Hyacinth Leaves as Feeds to Tilapia


  • Angelica Jane S. Cavite
  • Aubrey Mae D. Mangahas


Tilapia, Round Scad, Milkfish, Gills, Water Hyacinth, Commercial pellets, alternative feeds



The Philippines is abundant with different bodies of water which is why fish farming is one of the largest business industry in the country, however, the use of commercial pellets are uneconomic, costly, and can destroy the aquatic habitat. With this, the researchers came up with the idea of making an alternative fish feeds composed of fish gills, since it has no economic value and frequently discarded from public markets, and water hyacinth leaves since it is often a burden for its ability to reproduce quickly that can cover a large portion of lakes and ponds. Fish gills are found to contain iron, zinc, calcium, fat, protein, carbohydrate and phosphorus.


This study used Parallel Group Design as their research design because it has one control group and three experimental groups used in the experiment. The independent variables of the study are the round scad gillswith water hyacinth, milkfish gills with water hyacinth, and the combined gills of round scad and milkfish with hyacinth leaves; while the control variable is the commercial pellets.The gills were sun-dried and pounded while the water hyacinth was air dried and cut into smaller pieces. Every two weeks, the researchers measured the length and weighted DRAFT from five randomly picked tilapia from each tub. The researchers used the Two-way ANOVA commonly known as est, as the statistical tool.


Based on the results of the conducted experiment, it showed that there is no significant difference between the fishes fed with commercial pellets and those fishes fed with the three different experimental feeds. Hence, Round Scad and Milkfish gills with water hyacinth leaves (Tub C) have the potential in becoming an alternative feed to tilapia.


This study recommends the following: (1) Researchers can test the alternative feeds of the study to other animals; (2) Researchers can use other types of fish gills aside from the independent variables of the study; (3) Researchers can mix the fish gills and water hyacinth to their additive components that can help increase the nutrients in the alternative fish feeds; and (4) Test the effectivity of water hyacinth stems and roots as an alternative fish feeds to tilapia or other types of fishes.

