The Antimicrobial Property of Paragis (Eleusine indica L.) as an Inhibitor of Airborne Microbes using Nutrient Agar Plate


  • Alexandra D. Gerona


antimicrobial, nutrient agar, paragis



This research aims to test the antimicrobial property of Paragis (Eleusine indica L.) as a growth inhibitor of airborne microbes using a nutrient agar plate. The researcher conducted this study to inhibit the rapid increase in the number of airborne microbes to prevent and solve problems such as skin allergies and diseases. The results of this study could provide information about the microbial potential of paragis and could be also concluded that the plants used by the local communities as medicines have high potential as an antimicrobial agent.


Materials were gathered. The plant materials were powdered for the preparation of the extract. It was soaked for 24 hours in different solvents, filtered using filter paper, and distilled down to come up with the final extract. Nutrient agar was mixed with the boiling water, carefully added into 12 Petri dishes and were autoclaved to be sterilized to avoid the accumulation of microbes inside. 3 nutrient agar plates were exposed to each different places and setups were prepared: A1, A2, A3 (Comfort room, classroom, and the court treated with aqueous extract respectively). E1, E2, E3 (Comfort room, classroom, and the court treated with ethanol extract respectively). M1, M2, M3 (Comfort room, classroom, the court treated with methanol extract respectively). EM1, EM2, EM3 (Comfort room, classroom, and the court treated with ethanol-methanol extract respectively). Data were gathered and plates were autoclaved for decontamination and disposal after an observation was done.


The results show that as the day progresses, the number of colonies is also decreasing in number. The aqueous extract in three locations inhibited with a total of 33 colonies. The ethanol extract in three locations inhibited with a total of 32 colonies. The methanol extract in three locations inhibited with a total of 65 colonies and lastly, the ethanol-methanol extract inhibited 29 colonies.


In the phytochemical analysis conducted, it revealed that in Aqueous extract, two phytochemicals are present namely flavonoids and alkaloids. inEthanol extract, two phytochemicals are present namely cardiac glycosides and flavonoids. In Methanol extract, two phytochemicals are present namely flavonoids and alkaloids. inEthanol-Methanol extract, two phytochemicals are present namely flavonoids and alkaloids. and these phytochemicals caused the inhibition of microbes present in the plates.

