Powder-post Beetle Frass from Bamboo (Bambusoideae) and Cornstarch Mixture as Wood Putty


  • Chad Rielly P. Faner
  • Gabrielle A. Palma
  • Jonah H. Perez


Wood putty, Cornstarch, Non-shrinking, Powder-post Beetle Frass



During summer, termites are more aggressive in eating home constructions such as ceilings, walls, and wood furniture. The aftereffects of it are gap holes which make a wood weaker. Using Powder post beetle frass from Bamboo as lignin and Cornstarch as a binder, this will produce a cheaper and effective wood putty.


This study looked at the significant difference between the experimental set-up and the commercial putty in terms of dryness and non-shrinking test in a mass of powder post beetle frass and cornstarch in producing effective wood putty. A total of five (5) treatments with varying concentration of the mixture of powder post beetle frass and cornstarch has been produced and tested with the standard procedure of dryness and non-shrinking test methods.


This study depicts that the best result was Treatment #1 which had 60g of cornstarch and 40g of powder post beetle frass for their dryness and non-shrinking. This proved that powder-post beetle frass and cornstarch mixture are effective wood putty.


As the results show, it revealed that the mass of powderpost beetle frass and cornstarch are affecting the test that been drawn. Results of MANOVA has also shown that there is a significant difference between the treatments and standard set-up in terms dryness and non-shrinking test.

