Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extracts of Talisay, Terminalia catappa on the Breeding of Fighting Fish, Betta splendens


  • Gicel Christine Pacliba


Aquaculture, Bubble nest production, Fry survival, Fish breeding



Fish breeding is considered an excellent method for the emerging ornamental fish industry with high hopes of profit. However, the breeding of B. splendens is deemed difficult due to its aggressive behavior. This study aimed to determine the brood conditioning effects of T. catappa aqueous leaf extracts on the breeding of B. splendens particularly on its rate of bubblenest production, a number of eggs, and survival of fry.


Six treatments were used in the study and the results showed that treatment six (20mL leaf extracts with the presence of T. catappa leaf) positively affected the rate of the bubble nest production, number of eggs, and survival of fry with decreasing effects on lower concentrations.


Results based on ANOVA I further revealed that the treatments had a statistically significant effect on the rate of bubble nest production (P<0.05) but no effect on the temperature (P>0.05). Also, the chi-square test showed no difference between the absence and presence of T. catappa leaf used in the treatments on the rate of bubble nest production (P>0.05). Furthermore, the Pearson r correlation revealed that the number of eggs was significantly correlated with temperature (P<0.05) while the number of eggs had no relation at all with bubble nest production and weight of female B. splendens (P>0.05).


These results suggest that T. catappa is an effective conditioner in the breeding of B. splendens.

