Comparison between Chemical-based and Organic Mosquito Repellants


  • Duane Ralf D. Elle
  • Margarita Alesczandra B. Jarlos
  • Mary Junne C. Macalalad
  • Patrisha Nadine V. Muñoz
  • Cedella Kayla D. Manaig


chemical, organic, mosquito repellant



In the Philippines, the prices of chemically prepared insect repellents are quite expensive. These repellants are also viewed as harmful to human health. inthis study, the researchers intended to find a safe, organic and affordable alternative mosquito repellant.


Experimental research was used. Mosquito specimens were personally bred by the researchers. To compare the effects of chemical and organic repellants, two set-ups were prepared. One mosquito specimen was treated with a deet-based chemical mosquito repellant while the other was treated with an organic-based repellant which the researchers personally prepared. Physical properties of the repellants such as odor and availability were noted at the initial stage of the experiment. The mosquitoes' response time was observed and recorded in a journal during the experiment.


Results show that mosquitoes responded more quickly to chemical-based mosquito repellants. However, the organic mosquito repellant has a lengthier effectivity. Also, chemical-based mosquito repellants have a pungent odor when compared to organic-based. Organic mosquito repellants have the potential to repel or eradicate mosquitoes.


Results demonstrate that organic repellants are more cost-efficient as commonly available plant extracts may be used. Organic repellants may be an option for a safer and healthier home and environment.

