Cytological Study on Allium cepa (onion) Root Tip Treated with Annona muricata (guyabano) Bark and Leaves Extract


  • Viviene Grace F. Fajardo


Alliumcepa, Annonamuricata, leaves extract


Normal cell division is important in maintaining health. Otherwise it will result in abnormalities and mutations. A potential consequence of these abnormalities and mutations is cancer, wherein the cells are multiplied by uncontrolled mitosis. One of many other ways to observe cell activity is the Allium cepa root tip assay since plant system can detect a wide range of genetic damage, including gene mutations and chromosome aberrations. Thus, this study aims to investigate the potential of Annonamuricata (guyabano) bark and leaves extract in the mitotic activity in the meristem root tips of Allium cepa. Annona muricata bark and leaves were sun-dried, air dried respectively and macerated for 24 hours. Phytochemical analysis was conducted to determine the presence of phytoconstituents in the plant extract. Moreover, different concentrations (3%, 5% and 7%) of the bark and leaves extract were observed via A. ceparoot tip assay. The percentage root growth inhibition after treating with guyabano leaves and bark extract was measured at different time intervals. Meanwhile, mitotic index and cell aberrations were observed and measured under a light microscope. Results showed that both extracts disrupted the cell mitosis of the Allium cepa root tips. However, Annona muricata leaves extract demonstrated better results than the bark extract in terms of root length, mitotic index and cell aberrations. Observations proved that Annona muricata demonstrated cytotoxic effects on mitosis. The results of the study could be a pivotal pipeline to develop a medicine that could slow the progression of cancer cells.

