Cardaba Banana (Musa acuminate x balbasiana) Peel 3-in-1 Coffee


  • Isshi Buhay


Cardaba banana peel, alternative 3-in-1 coffee



Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world. According to the latest coffee statistics from theInternational Coffee Organization, about 1.4 billion cups of coffee are consumed daily worldwide. However, coffee contains caffeine that can cause insomnia, increase in heart and breathing rate, and other side effects. Consuming large amounts of coffee might also cause headache, anxiety, agitation, and irregular heartbeats. Coffee beans also form Acrylamide, a potentially carcinogenic substance, when coffee is roasted at high temperatures. With these in mind, this study primarily aims to produce Cardaba banana peel 3-in-1 coffee and to evaluate the physical properties of the product in terms of its aroma, color, and taste.


The Cardaba banana peels were cleansed with water, cut into cubes and roasted for 20 minutes at 150 degrees Fahrenheit until itis ready for grinding. After it was grounded, 20g, 30g, and 40g of grounded cubes were mixed with 1L of water until it started to boil. Then they were filtered with a clean white cloth. After the filtration process, 5g of stevia powder and 15g of creamer were added to each of the treatments and stored in a thermos. Subsequently, the general acceptability of the produced coffee in terms of its physical properties, aroma, color, and taste, were evaluated by 30 respondents.


Based on the results of the general acceptability of the respondents in terms of the three properties such as aroma, color and taste, the best treatment is treatment 2, which contains 30g of Cardaba Banana Peel Coffee, followed by treatment 3 and treatment 1, which contains 40g and20g of grounded banana peel coffee respectively. The ANOVA results of the general acceptability of the physical properties show that all of the three treatments have a significant difference from one another because of the significant value of 0.001 for every general acceptability of the physical properties did not exceed the 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected since the varying amounts of the grounded Cardaba banana peels have a significant effect on the produced coffee.


Based on the results of the study, coffee could be produced from the Cardaba banana peels. This study is significant as it produced a non-caffeine drink which can also serve as mood boosters for the body and it is made from natural ingredients such as the discarded parts of fruit, specifically the banana peel, making it healthy and affordable for everyone at the same time.

