“Finding Probability": A Tool to Develop Mastery in Solving Mendelian Genetics Dihybrid Cross


  • Bernardo III Portillo


Mendelian Genetics, Strategic Intervention Material, Finding probability, Science 8



This study explored the use of strategic intervention material in Science 8 for the fourth quarter of the school year 2017-2018. The application of the material is important in achieving the needed competencies the students failed to achieve in typical classroom instruction. 20 of 68 Science 8 students were identified as least mastered in the topic of Mendelian Genetics Dihybrid cross during the formative assessment.Furthermore, these students experienced difficulties in Solving Mendelian Dihybrid Cross using Punnett squares. Interpretation of genotypic and phenotypic ratios was also considered hurdles in learning and understanding basic genetics. With the theme, "Nochild should be left behind," these 20 students were subjected as respondents.


The study utilized the evaluative data collection method. A pre-test was conducted through worksheets. A given strategic intervention material was conducted to the Science 8 respondents in March 2018. Test results were evaluated and analyzed. When results were generated, an intervention program was introduced, after which a post-test was given to the identified learners. The researcher employed purposive sampling since only 20 students needing immediate attention were chosen. The scoring procedure was divided into four mastery levels based on the percentage indicated: 91%-100 -Highly Mastered, 81%-90% -Mastered, 71%-80% -Less Mastered, and 70%-below -Not Mastered.


From the 28.75% obtained with "Not Mastered" as rating during the pre-test, it implied that there is an increase of 44.5 % after the intervention was made. The mastery level of the participants classified as less mastered had a percentage of 73.25%.


The result of the study implies that the majority of the respondents manifested an increase of scores after the intervention was introduced. The positive result of the respondents suggested that the application of SIM appealed and was appreciated by both types of learners.

