Performance on the ISO Quality Objectives Key Result Areas: An Assessment


  • Gloria A. Peralta
  • Zenaida R. Ylarde
  • Regino A. Malundas


ISO, QMS, quality objectives key result areas, leadership, strategic planning, process management, customer and market focus


The purpose of this research was to give an in-depth analysis of the performance in the ISO Quality Objectives Key Result Areas of St. Mary's College, Quezon City for SY 2012-2013. The descriptive method was utilised in the conduct of the study. The Quality Objectives Key Result Areas Rubric was the main instrument used. Interviews and consultative reviews were utilised to verify the accuracy of the data. This data was treated statistically using weighted and total averages. The study revealed that Grade School, High School, and College Departments obtained a Highly Satisfactory performance. Likewise, Service Units namely, Library and Audio/Visual Centre, Information and Technology Resource Centre, Registrar, Centre for Ignacian Formation and Community Ministries, Finance, Youth Development Services Office, and Medical-Dental Clinic obtained a Highly Satisfactory performance. The conclusion indicated that the performance rating achieved by the departments, service units, and the school as a whole, significantly were within the performance targets. This underscored the positive implementation of the QOKRAs, a guide in the level of quality that must be met by SMCQC.

