Mandarin Language Classroom Anxiety: A Proposed Teacher Manual


  • Daniel Reyes


foreign language anxiety; Mandarin; teacher manual



Riasati (2011) has confirmed that anxiety is one of the key factors prompting in foreign language learning. The results of this study were used as the basis for the development of the teacher manual.



Total enumeration was utilized. The developed Chinese Language Learning Anxiety Scale (CLLAS) developed by Luo (2014) was administered. The next instrument on the factors that can affect the language learning process of the respondents was developed by the researcher and validated by experts.



The anxiety level in all the language skills of the respondents was low. The mean of the Mandarin final grades of the respondents signifies an outstanding performance. The listed factors that can affect the language learning process were slightly influential. The correlation values show that there is no significant relationship between the level of Mandarin classroom anxiety of the respondents and their performance, and their performance was not affected by the factors affecting their anxiety. In cognizant of the results of the study, the researcher designed a Teacher, Manual.



Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) The respondents are experiencing a low anxiety level in four macro-skills. 2) The respondents generally perform with outstanding remarks; 3) The respondents are slightly influenced by their classroom environment and their characteristics towards language learning; 4) The respondents' level of Mandarin classroom language anxiety does not affect their performance in the Mandarin language; 5) The level of Mandarin classroom anxiety of the respondents affects the factors affecting the language process as presented in classroom environment and the learner's characteristics; 6) The respondents' performance in the Mandarin language is not affected by the factors present in the classroom environment and their characteristics, and 7) The teacher manual is developed with the concepts assisting the understanding of classroom language learning anxiety and the factors influencing them.

