Revisitation on the Approaches in Teaching Poetry: Input on Instructional Enrichment Modality


  • Angelita Carencia


Approaches Utilized Poetry



Learning, analyzing and teaching poetry and about poetry can be one of the most demanding responsibilities that many teachers need to face in a literature class. For some teachers, poetry may be taught to develop learner's knowledge of the language while others use it to teach structure, grammar, and vocabulary. In this study, the researcher focused on the investigation of different approaches utilized by Language Teachers in teaching poetry among Junior High School Students.



The researcher utilized the mixed method, particularly the sequential explanatory. This design empirically explored the approaches employed by English language teachers in the teaching of poetry which they find effective and in need of modification. The sample involved forty-eight teachers of poetry. Both modified standard questionnaires and unstructured interviews were used as gathering instruments.



The results revealed that teachers of poetry utilizes the following approaches: Personal-Response Based, Moral Philosophical, Information-based, Language-Based and Stylistic Approach. Among these approaches, Personal-Response Based Approach was considered the most effective approach after getting the General Mean of 3.56 while the Stylistic Approach needed modification based on the statistical analysis (General Mean=2.22). The respondents prefer approaches that enable students to make personal sharing and personal understanding, feelings and experiences toward a certain topic. Involving students intellectually and emotionally were the techniques found most effective which led teachers to improve their appreciation of the students' uniqueness. On the other hand, highly technical approaches are seldom used by teachers for they are found inappropriate and too difficult for junior high school students, thus, considered in need of modification. Moreover, the unfamiliarity of these approaches to both teachers and students sets their limitations. Using approaches that will lead to eliciting responses, relating and sharing of experiences and reaching self-understanding among students are the inputs that could be proposed in developing an instructional enrichment in the teaching of poetry.



The result demonstrates the need for worthy input on instructional enrichment modality to provide assistance and alternatives to teachers when it comes to the teaching of poetry. A modality that will include approaches that require students to give responses, relate and share experiences and reach self-understanding.

