Educators' Professional Values and Their Teaching Performance: Model for Values Formation and Teaching Competence Enhancement Program


  • Analyn Estandian


Professional Values, Teaching Performance, Values Formation Program, Teaching Competence



Values are an integral part of human behavior. They play an important role in determining work attitudes and behaviors (Yenagi, 2009). The primary objective of this research is to determine and assess educators' professional values and their teaching performance of public elementary school teachers in Floridablanca West District, Division of Pampanga, during the academic year 2016-2017.



The descriptive quantitative method of research was used in this study and personally designed a survey questionnaire of the research. The questionnaire was validated by three experts in the field of educational management and values education. It was completed by a pre-testing activity and Cronbach Alpha item analysis to make it more valid, reliable, and academically acceptable. The participants were 227 teacher-participants coming from 18 different schools in the West District of Floridablanca. They were asked to answer the specific questions in the survey questionnaire and sought for the generous help of reliable statistician in the proper interpretation and critical analysis of the data gathered



Based on the summary of findings the researcher concluded that ten professional values were rated "very important", nonetheless five of them were designed for the values formation program there are self-confidence, adaptability, and self-motivation, possessing positive attitude and loyalty. In the teaching performance along with the 21st-century skills, there were four rated as "highly performed" which are visionary skills, life, and career skills, learning and innovative skills, and communication skills. On the other hand, they are rated as "performed" which is information and media technology skills. Findings also revealed that there is a low positive relationship but not statistically significant between professional values and teaching performance along with the 21st-century skills of teacher-participants.



From the results of the study, a model for values and formation and teaching performance enhancement program for teacher's participants is proposed to strengthen professional values and their teaching performance to their professional career.

