The Use of Daily Automated Follow-Up Text (Daftext) To Improve Attendance of Grade 7 & 8 Students of Gatiawin High School


  • Louie Yambao


absenteeism achievement automated



An average of 13.04 percent of students commit truancy every day in Grade 7 alone specifically during the afternoon much worse during Friday. An average of two (2) days absent per week by some students is very alarming shown on the attendance sheets of teachers. Two days, if multiplied out by four weeks and by ten months, is eighty (80) days. That's about four months of schooling out of ten months. This study aimed to improve the attendance of Grade 7 and Grade 8 students of Gatiawin High School through the use of Daily Automated Follow-up Text (DAFTEXT).



The Quasi-experimental design of the research was used in the study which involved selecting groups, upon which a variable is tested, without any random pre-selection processes.The Trend Line Analysis (technical analysis) design of the research was also used in the study. In this study, the absences of Grade 7 and 8 students from the beginning of the school year until the last month were analyzed. Daily Automated Follow-up Text as the identified strategy/intervention was used to decrease if not eradicates the absenteeism of Grade 7 and 8 students.



Based on the findings of the study, 1)The use of text messages as a means of following up students' non-appearance in school is an effective way for parents to increase awareness about the truancy of their children. 2) In accordance, consistent and regular sending of a follow-up text message/letter has a significant effect on improving the attendance of students. 3) Daily Automated Follow-Up Text (DAFTEXT) as the intervention to address the increasing absenteeism of students is an effective strategy with an average success rate of 65%.



Since the use of "Daily Automated Follow-Up Text" (DAFTEXT) has improved the attendance of students in Grade 7 and 8 with an average success rate of 65%, it is further recommended that it would be used also in another grade level and even in other schools to improve the achievement rates in School Achievement Test (SAT) in particular and National Achievement Test (NAT) in general. On a wide scale, an electronic system database could be developed that will automatically send text messages to parents informing them truancy of their children. It is highly recommended also that other means of communication such as social media, e-mails, and phone calls are utilized to follow-up students and study their efficacy in improving students' attendance.

