Blended Learning in Enhancing English Language Skills


  • Rhoda Palacio


online learning, face-to-face learning, blended learning



One important aspect in which the use of computers has become a landmark of modernity and sophistication in using computers in language learning and teaching. In the Philippines, where English is the second language and the medium of instruction in teaching various subjects in school, the advent of the Internet and its attendant technology open hosts of options to improve one's English skills. These options involve interacting with others online--communicating to learn about other cultures, have fun, and to learn English at the same time. The researcher believes that this study on blended learning plays a big role in enhancing English language skills.



RESEARCH DESIGN: The study used a mixed-method of research--experimental and qualitative. The researcher conducted experimental research with pre-test and post-test design. DATA GATHERING TECHNIQUES: The needed data of this study were gathered using the descriptive-correlational method through a survey questionnaire.SAMPLING PROCEDURE: The researcher utilized total enumeration in selecting the respondents for this study. All the respondents have the available resources to undergo blended learning. DATA ANALYSIS SCHEME: The data gathered were tallied, analyzed, and interpreted. Various statistical tools such as mean, paired-samples t-test, and linear regression were employed in the analysis of the data. For the qualitative part, the students’ insights and reflections were presented in repertory grids, analyzed, and interpreted.



The results of the pretest and post-test show that there is a significant difference in the improvement of English language skills of the students through blended learning. The students perceive blended learning to be advantageous but there are certain limitations to it. The students agree that blended learning can still be improved. The school should adopt blended learning in all subjects and provide the necessary equipment and training to teachers and students. Slow internet connectivity, technical problems, and other websites hinder students from learning.



Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: Of all the blended learning constructs, only the advantages of using blended learning has a significant relationship on the students’ English language skills. Henceforth, all the other constructs of blended learning have no significant relationship to the students’ English language skills.

