A Mixed-Method Evaluation of the Spiral Science Curriculum of the Junior High School: Perspective towards Curriculum Enhancement


  • Aureen Icban


mixed method evaluation, spiral science curriculum, curriculum enhancement



This study dealt to evaluate the effectiveness of the Spiral Science Curriculum implementation in the Junior High School in the Division of Pampanga in aid of curriculum enhancement. It described the professional qualifications of the Science teachers. It also includes how do they perceived the level of effectiveness of the spiral curriculum in terms of (1) attainment of curriculum objectives, (2) instructional materials, (3) curricular activities, and (4) pedagogical practices; the common problems encountered and their coping measures; the significant insights and observations and the curriculum enhancement that may be proposed to further improve the implementation.



The study utilized the Sequential Explanatory Mixed Method Design (SE-MMD). ES-MMD is defined as a theoretically supported model of inquiry combining a qualitative and quantitative model of research so that evidence may be mixed and knowledge is increased in a more significant manner. The design was used for the breadth and depth of understanding and corroboration (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011).



Based on the results, the Spiral Science Curriculum on whole was rated regarding the following indicators: curriculum objectives, instructional materials, curricular activities, and pedagogical strategies. Nonetheless, problems were brought to fore regarding the adequacy of laboratory apparatus and facilities. The implementation of the spiral science curriculum is beset with issues and problem particularly those that relate physical infrastructures, teachers' training, and instructional materials. These problems need to address to ensure a helpful science program implementation in the Division. Then and only then can we expect significant improvements in the science education of students in the Division.



The implementation of the spiral science curriculum is beset with issues and problems particularly those that relate to physical infrastructures, teachers' training, and instructional materials. These problems need to be addressed to ensure an effective science program implementation in the Division. The concerned school administrators of the Junior High School continue to explore strategic solutions to the problems identified by the teachers.

