Plant Species in Mount Balungao: Status and Conservation Practices


  • Laurence Agsalud


Plant Species, Status, Conservation Practices



This study aimed to identify the presence of plant species (classification, nature, and status), conservation practices implemented to protect plant species and the problems that threaten the abundance of plant species in Mount Balungao which is located along with the town of Balungao, Pangasinan, South-Eastern part of the Pangasinan, Philippines.



This study utilized a combination of quantitative and descriptive survey design. The ocular survey was conducted to collect samples from the mountain with the help of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources and with the technical assistance of the City Environment and Natural Resources in identifying the collected plant samples. Residents of Barangay San Andres, Balungao, Pangasinan, and workers in Balungao Hot Spring Resort were asked to answer the survey questionnaire on conservation practices implemented and the problems that threaten the abundance of plant species in the mountain.



Results show that among the 50 identified plant species in the mountain, trees are the most abundant with a frequency of 18 and a percentage of 36 within the sampled areas. Forty-three or 86% were identified as endemic species in Mount Balungao. Most of the identified plant species in the mountain were dominant with 31 or 62%. It is also found out that the conservation practices implemented that are highly practice were: Use of contours e.g. buffer strips, farming & Strip cropping (51 or 45.1%), reduce rill, wind erosionand sedimentation (43 or 38.1%), enhance wildlife pollinator and beneficial habitat (47 or 41.6%), improve seeding rates and dates (39 or 34.5%), manage tree plantations (41 or 36.3%) and Reforestation activities (40 or 35.4%).With regards to a problem that threatens the abundance of plant species in the mountain, results show that scope of problems with an average weighted mean of 2.45 was restricted, the severity of problems with an average weighted mean of 2.35 was moderate, and the Eminence of problems with an average weighted mean of 2.61 was moderate.



Most of the plants in Mount Balungao are trees, endemic and abundant. The conservation practices implemented were highly practiced. The problems that threaten the abundance of plant species in terms of scope were restricted; severity was moderate, and eminence was moderate. There is a significant correlation between the Conservation Practices Implemented and the Problems that Threaten the Abundance of Plant Species.

