Career Guidance Services and the Career Track Preferences of Public Senior High School Learners: An Assessment


  • Mydeth M. Briones


guidance services, career track preferences, academic track, assessment


Career guidance plays a significant role in helping students to develop the knowledge and skills needed for making wise choice, managing transition in learning, and moving into the workplace. This study aims to assess the career guidance services and the career track preferences of senior public high school learners in the district ofTanza Cavite. The proponent used descriptive research design. She employed a validated survey questionnaire and administered it personally to the respondents. The survey contained items about the respondents’ National Career Assessment Examination result grade point average and the career track preferences. The quantitative data were evaluated and interpreted using appropriate statistical tools. The result shows that out of 327 respondents, 203 of them have highest score in the academic track areas in the National Career Assessment Examination. Majority of the learners have accumulated final grades ranging from 81-85. The career tracks identified were academic track and technical vocational livelihood track where most of the respondents have enrolled. All guidance services as assessed by the respondents received highly effective interpretation in which the information service got the highest mean while individual inventory service got the lowest mean, but still highly effective. The result also shows that among the five services, the information, counselling and follow-up service have significant relationship to the learners’ NCAE result. The researcher concludes that all career guidance services have no significant relationship to the general point average of the learners. Likewise, the career guidance services have no significant relationship in terms of the career tracks of the respondents.

