Coaching Practices for Employee Development in Selected Business Process Outsourcing of Multinational Companies in Finance and Accounting Services in Metro Manila, Philippines


  • Harley C. Arvesu


coaching, career development, turnover rate, job enrichment, motivation system


This study aimed to assess the level of coaching practices for employee development in selected business process outsourcing of multinational companies in Finance and Accounting Services in Metro Manila, Philippines and determine their relation to the profile of the respondents. This study employed the descriptive method and purposive sampling method. Survey questionnaires were distributed to the respondents to gather data for analysis and interpretation. The Frequency and Percentage Distribution method and Weighted Mean were utilized to analyze the obtained data. The differences of respondents’ data were obtained for testing and evaluation. A total of 215 respondents were able to participate with job titles such as associates and specialists in this study. Majority of the respondents were male, between 20 to 39 years old, single, obtained college degree, assigned in general accounting services, associate level, worked in the company for 2 to 4 years, received three or more trainings. On the assessment of level of effectiveness, the respondents assessed the coaching dimension in terms of Ability to Learn and Developmental Experiences: Assessment, Challenge and Support as effective. On the other hand, in terms of Supportive Organizational Environment the respondents’ assessment was rated as very effective. On the significant difference in the respondents’ assessment when grouped according to profile, the result showed that there was a significant difference in the respondents’ assessment in terms of Job Title in Developmental Experiences: Challenge and Number of Training Provided by the Company in Ability to Learn, hence, rejected the null hypothesis, the null hypothesis were lower that assumed .05 level of effectiveness. To promote equal opportunity for females by enhancing the benefits given to female employees in consideration of health, safety and work life balance. The researcher recommends that the company should invest in technology infrastructure to pace up with the advanced changes like cloud computing; to promote transparency between employee and management with regards to direction and plan of organization. To build a strong and supportive culture to address the turnover rate by proactively enhances job enrichment and motivation system. Future studies could have a more extensive scope to reveal more issues about organizational culture in the BPO sector.

