Principal Leadership Effectiveness and Management Competencies for Learner Achievement: Basis for Developing Framework


  • Paulino Castro


principal, leadership effectiveness, management competencies, student achievement



The academic success of students is a product of the complex role of a school principal. The principal's role is very crucial in achieving the desired outcomes in the basic education program. It is the principle that leads the institution with all the stakeholders towards achieving excellence in the delivery of educational services more particularly in terms of teaching performance and students' academic achievement. The study aimed to have an in-depth understanding of the lived experiences among effective school principals in terms of leadership and management for student achievement.



The study used a qualitative phenomenological design. A semi-structured interview with open-format questions was used to encourage the respondents to answer in their own words which at some length will likely provide greater depth of response. The selection of the study includes 15 respondents which include school principals, teacher leaders/ master teachers, and 5 learner-leaders. The school principals were selected based on the School-Based Management (SBM) level 2 of practice. Similarly, teacher-leaders/master teachers and learner-leaders who belonged to the SBM level 2 of the practice of the same school of the selected principals. The focus group discussion was conducted and their answers were coded through Collaizzi's steps of phenomenological analysis (Fletcher, 2004).



The study reveals that the leadership and management of effective school principals play a vital role in shaping the culture of school organizations, particularly in learners' achievement. Among the significant experiences are the following: the school principal as a leader should be 1) firm and consistent in making a decision; 2) advocates evidence-based practices; 3) visionary; and 4) good communicator. On the other hand, for effective management a school principal should 1,) practice collegiality and open communication; 2) support and provision of learners' materials; 3) conduct formal and informal instructional supervision and; 4) serve as motivator/ encouragement to teachers and learners.



The experiences and practices of school principals will be an initial step as the basis for developing a framework of principal leadership effectiveness and management competencies for student achievement vital for adapting the practices of effective principals by developing school principals.

