Stories of Married Women Living with Husband’s Parents


  • Franklin Ian Figueras


Filipina, Filipino family, Filipina wives, married women living with husband's parents, extended family, family, women's welfare, Filipino in-laws, living with in-laws



This research was conceptualized to describe and gain an understanding of the unexplored experiences of married women living with husbands' parents.



Using a qualitative-phenomenological research approach with the aid of Giorgi's data analysis method, significant findings of this study were drawn from in-depth interviews with eight wives' who are living with their husbands' parents between March-April 2019.



Five major themes were identified in this study: (1) One Great Family That Loves One Another,(2) Irreplaceable Parents, (3) Circumstances That Destroy the Fabric of the Family, (4) Struggles with In-Laws, and (5) Responses to Numerous Encounters with In-Laws. From these themes recommendations for the nursing practice, education, and research and policy implementation emerged.



This study was the basis for the formulation of The Filipina Wives’ Tale. This educational material was validated and was given a Very Satisfactory rating by experts. It can be of use to supplement the knowledge of nurses in caring for families.

