Filipino Slang Words Adeptness of Students: An Assessment


  • Lilime Fabro


Swardspeak, gay lingo, adeptness



As best described by etymologists that the Filipino language is opulent as it evolves tremendously creating a richer vocabulary, this study will open the liberality of education in accepting the factual existence of these slang words spoken by students. This study will find its acceptance among the teachers who in their hope for a better comfortable learning environment will adopt these slang words of their students. Further, amid a getting richer Filipino language is a hope for a virtuous Filipino slang words vocabulary that would at least ease the evolution of a depraved choice of words among students. This study will ambitiously create a partnership between students and teachers in modifying with more acceptable Filipino slang words; in the belief that words can travel twice the speed of sound.



The study used a quantitative method through a survey-descriptive research design to ascertain the knowledge and utilization of slang words spoken by grade 7 and 8 students. The main tool utilized for this study was a researcher constructed dichotomous survey-questionnaire in gathering the needed data that supported the objective of the study. The questionnaire likewise included contracts that sought teachers' and students' opinions or acceptance, thus the survey-questionnaire brought together the students' competence or skill along with selected slang words and theirs and their teachers' assent or acceptance of its utilization in school.



These findings suggest that while these grade 7 and 8 student utilize these slang words, the actual degree of adeptness was basically "good" along such words, meaning out of 100 slang words they only know the correct denotation of 30 to 49 slang words, thus their opinion as to their degree of adeptness which they say was "very good" varied to their actual knowledge. This result was further supported by the decrease in the number of students who claimed or perceived to be excellent and outstanding as seen in table 12 and by the increase in the number of students who claimed not to be fair, good along with the list of the 100 slang words.



No significant difference was seen between the student's sex and their degree of adeptness towards slang words and however, same findings showed a significant relationship between the said variables that students-male and female alike use slang words despite vulgarity of some words, yet, sex and/or gender may influence the use of slang among them.

