Coping Mechanism of School Manager: Basis for Innovative Managerial Programs


  • Catherine Sagaoinit


Coping mechanisms, school managers,innovation



This study determined the problems encountered by the school managers and their coping mechanisms in Urdaneta City Division. It sought to determine the profile of the school managers in terms of age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, years of service as a school manager, number of teachers supervised and relevant training. Further, it looked into the problems they encountered and their coping mechanisms along with work requirements relationship with external stakeholders and disaster preparedness management. Also, it looked into significant differences in the level of relationship between the problems encountered and their coping mechanisms. The null hypothesis was tested at a level of significance between the problems encountered and their profile variables and the significant relationships between coping mechanisms and problems encountered.



The descriptive method of research was used and the questionnaire checklist was used in gathering data. The frequency counts, percentages, weighted mean average point and ANNOVA (Analysis of Variance) were the statistical tools used in the analysis of data and the coded Pearson product-moment Correlation Coefficient (r) was used.



The majority belongs to age, bracket, 35-and above years, female married, mostly with Master of Arts units 14 or 31.1 percent. The majority have 1-5 years in service as school manager and have 6-10 teachers supervised that is 18 -40.0 percent. Most of them have attended training at various levels. Further, the problems encountered by the school managers are 2.98 "moderately serious", and the coping mechanisms which are 2.63"moderately practiced". Likewise, the school managers were comparable or have the same level in problems encountered when grouped according to their profiles. In terms of the relationship between the coping mechanisms and the problems encountered is not affected.



The following are hereby recommended. School managers who have not finished a Masteral and Doctoral Degree are encouraged to finish it. Those who experienced "moderately serious" problems may continue using other coping mechanisms not mentioned in the study to possibly reduce or illuminate them. The training program should be designed, formulated and implemented to orient further school managers in coping with problems encountered to make it from"moderately serious" to not serious. Finally, other studies should be conducted to look into other aspects using more variables and in a wider scope.

