Enhancement of Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics through Peer and Self-AssessmenT


  • Gil Tabion, Jr.


Peer Assessment, Self-Assessment, Problem Solving Skills



It has been commonly accepted that the control of assessment is with the teachers. Students are hardly ever involved in the decision-making process in the practice of assessment. The traditional model of assessment mechanism has raised various negative effects on the development of students’ learning. Therefore, there is a need to reconsider the usual assessment practice provided to the students. The use of peer and self-assessment in the classroom as learning activities has been discussed. As these types of assessment mode require a shift of authority from the teachers to the students, the use of peer and self-assessment were not common in Philippine classrooms. In this study, we investigated the possibility of enhancing problem-solving skills in Mathematics through learner autonomy promotion in the classroom by peer and self-assessment practice.



This study used the descriptive method of research and utilized a survey questionnaire as the main data gathering instrument.



Peer and self-assessment implementation promoted positive attitudes towards learning among students. The students' response showed that their confidence in assessing their peers had been improved with raised impartiality. Students relished assessing their classmates and considered the process of assessment less stressed after constant practice. Views of students towards peer and self-assessment are positive in general. Students were willing to be involved in peer and self-assessment and agreed that such practice also served as learning processes. Overall, activities (peer and self-assessment, learning logs and criteria setting) were well accepted by the students with refers to the data collected. This suggested that the peer and self-assessment implementation is worthy to be included in the classroom practice.



The implementation of peer and self-assessment should give importance to the process rather than the result. Teachers should present maximal opportunities for the students to experience "Ownership". It must be clear that "peer or self-marking" without reflection generated is not the desired mode of peer and self-assessment. Students should be given maximal opportunities for discussion throughout the practice. Teachers should primarily hold a constructive attitude towards its implementation. Student-teacher rapport should be maintained in good status so that all assessment practices may be conducted under a positive classroom atmosphere with trust and respect.

