Training Program for Secondary School Mathematics Teachers Based On the Framework for Mathematics Teacher Education


  • Gerson Jeremy Antonio


Framework for Mathematics Teacher Education, training program, Mathematics, Mathematics teaching, Mathematics teachers



This study determined the Mathematics teachers’ level of competence in the five domains of the Framework for Mathematics Teacher Education (FMTE) which served as the basis in the development of a Training Program, specifically for the improvement of their content knowledge, pedagogical skills, classroom management skills, and disposition in teaching Mathematics.



The researcher used the Research and Development (R&D) Methodology which surveyed 147 Mathematics teachers in the three DepEd schools divisions in Ilocos Norte. A two-part survey questionnaire was used to gather data. Part I is the Secondary School Mathematics Teacher’s Profile, and Part II is the FMTE Survey Questionnaire containing ninety-six indicators of an expert Mathematics teacher. It also included open-ended questions that elicited teachers’ issues, problems, and concerns. Responses on the FMTE indicators were analyzed using frequency count, percentages, and the mean, while responses from the open-ended questions were summarized and tabulated to come up with the common problems of the teachers.



The majority of the respondents are young and are in the teaching profession for three years and less, and most of them are females and not married. Mostly are teaching Mathematics in Junior High School, are pursuing graduate studies, and have attended training and seminars relevant to Mathematics. The teacher-respondents are "accomplished" in all the five domains of the FMTE, however, they are "emerging" in three indicators in the Mathematics Content Knowledge (MCK) domain, "emerging" in 11 indicators in the Mathematical Pedagogical Knowledge (MPK) domain, "emerging" in two indicators under the General Pedagogical Knowledge (GPK) domain, "emerging" in the Classroom Management Skills (CMS) domain, and "emerging" in three indicators in the Mathematical Disposition and Professional Development (MDPD) domain.



The teachers' Mathematical Pedagogical Knowledge (MPK) and Mathematical Disposition and Professional Development (MDPD) are the domains where the Mathematics teachers are most challenged. The problems and concerns hamper them from maximizing their ability in teaching Mathematics and in accomplishing other duties and responsibilities as classroom teachers. Some of these concerns are congestion of learning competencies, students' disposition towards Mathematics, and lack of teaching and learning materials which impede the attainment of the curriculum standards and objectives.

