Is Flipped Classroom Better for STEM Students?: Testing the Effect of Flipped Strategy in Learning Statistics and Probability


  • Ador Lorenzo R. Ablang
  • Gabrielle Mae B. Austriaco
  • Nheriel Anderson M. Cruz
  • Anton Miguel M. Gelacio
  • Ali M. Shdaefet


Flipped Classroom, Lecture-based Instruction, STEM Students


Flipped Classroom is an approach to learning that integrates interactive learning materials such as audio-video materials in the facilitation of learning. This is done when the teacher delivers instruction through such interactive materials, upload it online, and let the students learn the concepts from material in their individual learning spaces. The present study investigates the effects of flipped learning in a Statistics and Probability class. The controlled group (n=40) received traditional lecture-based instruction in Statistics and Probability class while the experimental group (n=40) received flipped classroom strategy in the same subject matter. It is hypothesized in the present study that the pre-test results and post-test results use t-test for independent samples will yield significant difference and an effect size using Cohen’s d. 

