Unavailable Products in Gerona that are Available in Paniqui and Tarlac City: Bases for Proposed Business Concepts


  • Mica Ella Denice F. Asuncion
  • Angelica D. Antonio
  • Ronalee Anne F. Parcasio


unavailable products, business concepts


The goal of this research is to determine the unavailable products in Gerona that are available in Paniqui and Tarlac City. The results are used as bases for proposed business concepts. Specifically, the research would like to identify the unavailable products in Gerona that are available in Paniqui and Tarlac City and the causes of the unavailability of these products using the proposed business concepts from the data gathered. The expected users of the resulting work text include ABM students who are enrolled in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. The research is also expected to contribute particularly the prepared work text which will be used as an added resource available for teachers to support increased distribution and access to learning, teaching and professional development resources to the schools.

