The Effectiveness of Avogin Tea to Cure Different Health Issues in a Community


  • Julie May Rodriguez
  • Mikaella Bianca Bugasao
  • Jhanine Mae Pagaduan
  • Myra Deleon
  • Joshua Laspinas
  • Mhelliza Manalili
  • Jaime Jude Allas
  • Noriel Landingin
  • Dex Cesar Mendoza
  • Fernando Callao


avogin tea, health issues


This study aimed to develop the Avogin tea to produce a good and effective tea that intends to help people who are unhealthy and improve their lifestyle. One of the objectives of this study is to identify the good benefits of drinking Avogin Tea and compare the effectiveness of Avogin Tea. This study is designed to develop and validate the effectiveness of Avogin Tea among the community. The respondents of this study were composed of 60 students randomly chosen from the students of New Christian Academy and in the community around Gerona, Tarlac. The Avogin Tea is a type of herbal medicine that can help avoid different kinds of health issues. It can also boost resistance. The research and development (R & D) design was used in developing and validating the herbal tea to the community. The researchers constructed a questionnaire which composed of 30-multiple choice items used during the pre-test and post-test. The result of the study revealedthatAvogin Tea cures different kinds of health issues. Based on the outcome of the study, the Avogin Tea is effective on the community and on the students of the New Christian Academy Senior High School. It isrecommend t drink Avogin Tea to cure and avoid many kinds of health issues. This study is promoting the Avogin Tea to encourage others to try this kind of tea and discover its possible contributions in the society.

