Cucurbita maxima(Squash), Vigna unguiculata (String bean)and Brassica rapa (Petchay): Germination Success


  • April Lyn T. Salmasan


germination, coating agent, coated seed, non-coated and seeds


This study utilized the experimental type of research, which is a study that strictly adheres to a scientific research design. It included a hypothesis, a variable that can be manipulated by the researcher, and variables that can be measured, calculated and compared. In the treatment of data, the Mann-Whitney U test was utilized. The paramount goal of this study is to determine the germination success of squash, string beans and petchay seeds. Fourteen (14) out of thirty (30) non-coated seeds or 46.67 % from Cucurbita maxima(5 or 16.67%), Vigna unguiculata(4 or 13.33%) and Brassica (5 or 16.67%) germinated while, twenty-one (21) out of thirty (30) coated seeds or 70% from Cucurbita maxima(7 or 23.33%), Vigna unguiculata(6 or 20.00%) and Brassica(8 or 26.67%) successfully germinated. Based on the results at 0.05 alpha levels, the null hypothesis is then rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted thus, there is significant difference between the coated and non-coated seeds.

