Technology Used in Shorthand by the Office Administration student of Rizal Technological University
online, social media, office management, office procedure, technology, cellphone, computer.Abstract
The online activity is where students can submit work to teachers or professors via email and other social media. It can be also used by professors for posting presentations that has been discussed in the room and to remind the students for updates. The aim of this research is to study the effects of online activities to the academic performance of Office Administration students. The researchers used the descriptive method to describe the collected data regarding the subjects of the study. The respondents of the researcher are composed of 100 3rdyear students of office management under the subject of legal office procedure. Survey questionnaire was used as the basis of gathering the data presented in the research. Based from the result of the survey in the effects of online activities, the online activity gives positive effect to the academic performance of the students. The respondents strongly agreed that online activities help improve their technological skills. They also strongly agreed that online activities may affect their academic performance in negative way. The result revealed that online activities give a higher possibility to cause misunderstanding to the students in comes of instructions. The researchers found that the main problem the students encountered, while doing their school activities is online games or any online activities. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers found some conclusions in this topic. Students find it easier to finish their task using online activities. By doing online activities it helps the students in their skills in using technology. Therefore, the researchers recommend that the students must know how to manage their timebetween studies and social media. They should control their self from using applications on internet. Too much use of technology will cause bad health and poor eyesight if they will stay too long in front of their cellphones' and computer's screen.