Kolb's Learning Style and the Academic Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS Students of the Taytay Senior High School in S. Y.2019-2020
learning style, academic performance, divergingAbstract
In recent years, researchers have shown an increased interest in learner styles as one of the key factors influencing the learners’ academic performance. During the last decade, the researchers also noticed that there are more types of learning style rather than the usual. The principal objective of this research is to find out if there is a relationship between learning style and academic performance in Taytay Senior High SchoolDescriptive and Regression analysis were engaged to identify the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable. In the present study, the random sampling technique was adopted to select a sample of 45 students of grade 12 HUMSS in TSHS, and a standardized tool was used to collect data. The research study shows that learning style has no significant relationship with the academic performance of the Grade 12 HUMSS Students of Taytay SeniorHigh School. This finding has been verified by the obtained Correlation Coefficient under Crude Estimates or the interpreting strengths of correlation, which most of the Computed results are negligible or have a weak negative relationship. Large scale studies are recommended to further investigate the influence of the learning styles on the teaching-learning progression. Also, to change the participants to other strand or track, to study further the relationship between the two variables. The researchers, therefore, conclude that the academic performance of the HUMSS students does not vary on their preferred learning styles. No significant association observed between the learning style and the academic performance for both subjects. There could be another possible predictor of academic performance. It may be attributable to the study strategy (surface or deep), which has been proven to have a significant relationship between the two constructs by (Cano, 2005; Fenollar et al., in press; Phan, 2006; Simons etal., 2004).as cited by Phan (2008). As such, it is recommended that future research may study the association between the learning styles, combined with the study strategy, with academic performance. The study strategy coupled with the learning style maybe a booster for the relationship with academic performance.