The Duties and Responsibilities of Master Teachers: A Basis for a Teachers’ Development Program


  • Dave Gallardo
  • Edmer Constantino
  • Marites Odon


master teacher, duties and responsibilities


Based on DepEd Order No. 42 Series of 2017 named as the “National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers” it aims to: 1. Set out clear expectations of teachers along well–defined career stages of professional development from beginning to distinguished practice, 2.) Engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency; and 3.) apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance, identify needs and provide support for professional development.

The San Jose –Litex Senior High School in Rodriguez Rizal has currently 21 Master Teachers and this research objectively assessed the level of performance of the respondents on their duties and responsibilities indicated in the PPST –RPMS Manual and to identify the relationship between their performance level and other assigned functions. The respondents were selected by using the total population sampling and a questionnaire was used as the main data gathering tool. The respondents were composed of Master Teachers (I and II) and at the same time has an ancillary (coordinator, head and adviser) assigned to them. Correlational research was employed to measure the relationship between the level of performance and they are assigned ancillary. From the result of the survey, it was found out that from the identified duties and responsibilities only 3 among the 20 were highly performed. The “takes active participation in the planning and implementation of a training program in school, district and division level” has the highest mean of 4.55 with an interpretation of “Highly Performed” and only “Participates actively in the school strategic planning process involving internal and external stakeholders” with the second highest mean of 4.20 and a verbal interpretation of “Performed” together with “leads in the preparation of instructional programs” with a mean of 3.75 and verbal interpretation of “Performed”. From the ANOVA computation, it was proved that there is a significant relationship between the level of performance of the respondents when grouped according to their ancillary. This means that having ancillary work affects the respondents required performance. Based on the findings of the study, a faculty–development program can be developed to continuously perform the required duties and responsibilities of Master Teachers most especially from those rated moderately, somewhat and never performed.

