Exploring the Journey toward Successful Aging in the Philippines: A Mixed-Method


  • Nicamil K. Sanchez, PhD, RSW, MPM, Dip. Gen (Malta)


successful aging


Currently, there are no universally accepted definitions, dimensions or scales for measuring successful aging. Rowe and Kahn's (1977) three dimensions of successful aging, namely, wellbeing, physical functioning, and social engagement, have been adopted by most literature to measure successful aging. A review of the extant literature on successful aging revealed that most of the studies on successful aging have been conducted in developed western countries, despite the fact that most older persons live in developing countries like the Philippines. Additionally, studies on successful aging have been limited in their consideration of the sociocultural context in successful aging experiences and the factors that may facilitate or hinder the process. The purpose of this study was to explore the personal experiences of older Filipinos with successful aging and the association between sociodemographic variables and successful aging, using a mixed-methods approach. To achieve this purpose, the study was divided into two parts: Study 1 explored the association between sociodemographic variables of age, gender, marital status, educational attainment, place of residence, living arrangement, household head and classification, homeownership, group membership, social pensions, level of participation in older person's organisations, income and successful aging. Successful aging was measured using Rowe and Kahn's three dimensions of successful aging: wellbeing, physical functioning, and social engagement. Data for Study 1 were collected from 200 respondents between the ages of 65 and 93 living in poor rural and urban communities in the Philippines, using a structured questionnaire. Study 2 explored older persons' personal experiences of successful aging and the factors that either hindered or facilitated the process of successful aging. Data for Study 2 were collected through in-depth interviews with 75 participants who were selected from Study 1. Data in Study 1 were analysed using Chi-square, t-test analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for exploring the association between sociodemographic variables and successful aging. The findings of Study 1 revealed that 102 respondents (51%) did not attain successful aging, while 98 respondents (49%) attained the three dimensions of successful aging that were measured. The study also found that educational level, mode of income, living arrangement, perspectives on health, social participation, living above US$1.25, and marital status were significantly associated with successful aging. When the sociodemographic variables were analysed against the three dimensions of successful aging, significant associations were found between household classification and wellbeing and physical functioning; and group membership was significantly associated with social engagement. In exploring age as an effect modifier, an age-stratified analysis revealed that there was a significant association between income provisions, living arrangements, homeownership, and social participation in organisations and successful aging among young-old to middle-old respondents (65 to 74 years old). Significant associations were also found between marital status and income provisions with successful aging among old-old to oldest-old respondents (75 years and above). Data in Study 2 were analysed using thematic analysis. In respect of successful aging, the findings showed that the participants used various terms, such as: being happy, dignified, healthy, productive aging, and being active. Further, the key themes that emerged in describing the factors that facilitated successful aging included: community and family harmony, healthy lifestyle, spirituality, participation and social position, and government assistance. Social isolation was most often referred to by the participants as a hindering factor in the attainment of successful aging, followed by health problems and financial security. It is hoped that the findings of this exploratory study will be useful in informing social welfare policies and programs for economically disadvantaged older persons in the Philippines. It will also be useful in contributing to the literature on successful aging and in the development of research-led social work knowledge for practice with older persons in the Philippines.

