A Qualitative Study of the Use of 10-Minute Breaks in Face-to-Face and Online Classes
10-Minute Break, Face-to-face Learning, Online LearningAbstract
St. Mary’s College, Quezon City, introduced Online Distance Learning at the start of the school year 2020-2021 to their students. With the new and adjusted way of learning, St. Mary’s College, Quezon City, decided to implement a 10-minute break, to help students to have a screen break. At the beginning of the school year 2022-2023, St. Mary’s College Quezon City resumed offering face-to-face classes to its students, and these 10-minute breaks were retained. Thus, this study aims to determine if the 10-minute break is being appropriately implemented and its effectiveness in face-to-face and online learning. The researchers utilized Microsoft Teams to gather data and conducted an online interview on the said online platform. The researchers then chose purposive sampling among the Senior High School students at St. Mary’s College, Quezon City. They could interview 4 Senior High School Students; two came from Grade 11 and two from Grade 12, 2 Teachers, and 1 Administrator at St. Mary’s College, Quezon City. The method of triangulation was used to understand and validate the data. With all the gathered data, the researchers found that the students and the teachers have a different perspective regarding implementing the 10-minute break. While the teachers’ perspective on its effectiveness remains positive, the participating students perceived otherwise due to the inconsistency of the teachers’ implementation. With this, the 10-minute break’s purpose and effectiveness remain open for discussion.
Furthermore, all the informants found the 10-minute break helpful, considering that students and teachers use it to rest and prepare for the next class. The 10-minute break allows individuals, students, and teachers to maximize and utilize it accordingly. The proponents of this study found that teachers consistently implemented the 10-minute break and deemed it practical, while students found the implementation inconsistent. However, students and teachers used the break in helpful ways, and there was no significant difference in its implementation between online and face-to-face classes. The study also clarified the purpose of the 10-minute break and its part in the schedule, which is self-paced learning.