Strategic Management of the Selected Coffee Shop Owners at San Isidro and Cabiao, Nueva Ecija
Business, Strategic Management, Coffee ShopAbstract
There are a large number of people who aspire to become a business owner someday. Also, the market of the coffee segment is expected to grow by 2023. Furthermore, a coffee shop has become a necessity and a habit in modern society. Knowing that coffee shops can be a great business choice, this study aims to determine the strategic management of the selected coffee shop owners at San Isidro and Cabiao, Nueva Ecija. This study also aims to provide guidance and support for aspiring entrepreneurs. The researchers used a phenomenological approach in this study where it described as accurately as possible the phenomenon, refraining from any pre-given framework, remaining true to the facts, and knowing the respondents' experiences. The respondents contributing significantly to this study were selected using a purposive technique. The researchers gathered data with the use of semi-structured interviews and audio recordings. The respondents in this study are the seven (7) selected coffee shop owners at San Isidro and Cabiao, Nueva Ecija. In this study, the respondents tend to have difficulties with the high pricing of the coffee because many customers cannot afford their coffee. Also, respondents experienced poor inventory management, leading them to run out of stocks and supplies.
On the other hand, Customer Analysis is a big help for respondents because this enables them to know their target customer and their needs. Moreover, social media marketing is a practical strategic management that an owner can use in running a coffee shop business, especially in promoting their products. It is recommended to be unique from competitors and have a Customer Analysis when starting a coffee business. In conclusion, the coffee shop owners experienced challenges regarding the high pricing of the coffee and poor inventory management. Most owners also stated that they use Customer Analysis and Social Media Marketing as the Strategic Management in managing their coffee shop. The coffee shop owners also stated that these two strategic management is effective. Lastly, most respondents recommended being unique and having a good relationship with the customers.