ICT Integrationin Teaching Araling Panlipunan Relativeto the Academic Performanceamong Grade Ten Students of Infanta National High School, Infanta, Quezon: Basis for an Araling Panlipunan Ict-Inte


  • Ma. Glena Obuyes


Academic Performance, assessment, control group, experimental group, pre-test, post test



To protect and promote quality education is the paramount duty of the Department of Education. That is why the Philippine government has been committed to modernizing the Philippine educational system. Along with this effort are the continuous curricular changes and reorientation, teachers training and investment in school facilities and infrastructure. One of which is geared towards the vision of equipping each public school with the modern computer and other information and communication (ICT) -related gadgets and instructional materials. In this study, the researcher explored proof of whether an investment in ICT has benefited the learners and how far has ICT been integrated into the Philippine high school education.



The method employed was an experimental design where both the control and experimental group were given pre-test and post-test. The data gathered were subjected to statistical treatment using mean and t-test to test the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results of the groups.



Based on the post-test results the control group obtained a mean of 25.64 while the experimental group has a mean of 39.49. The computed MPS of the controlled group was 51. 28 % and the experimental group obtained 79.42 %.On the significant difference between the level of performance of a controlled and experimental group, a mean difference of 16.06 revealed and a computed t-value of 68.91 which is higher than the critical value of 1.684 was observed the difference in the level of performance between the two groups.The null hypothesis on the significant difference between the post-test was rejected at 0.05 level of significance. The Utilization of ICT materials in teaching Araling Panlipunan IV has improved the level of performance of the students.



The results of the current study have established the positive impact of ICT in enhancing the performance of the students and the overall teaching and learning. Although the importance of ICT has been acknowledged by Infanta National High School, there are some impediments facing both the students and instructors in adopting Educational Technology. The insufficient computing facilities and infrastructure, lack of sufficient technology budget and IT investment, technical support, and excessive budgeting and resources consumption needed for training programs are among the obstacles facing the school in adopting ICT. 

