Child Protection Policy (Deped Order No. 40 S. 2012) Towards Personaland Social Behaviorof Studentsof Dayap National High School


  • Ludivico Malitic


Psychological, Threat, Comprehensive, Protection Policy, Violence



Education systems have an important part to play in child protection, most people spend a significant amount of their childhood in the school environment which constitutes the most influential context for the child beyond that of the family. Since child abuse is occurring worldwide, the Department of Education has released a comprehensive policy that will ensure the protection of students entitled "Department of Education Child Protection Policy".



Descriptive method was used with the structured questionnaires in order to reveal the significant effect of the variables wherein weighted mean and standard deviation were used. Regression Analysis was used to find out the significant effect of the Department of Education's Child Protection Policy towards personal and social behavior of the students.



The level of implementation of the policy was effective and revealed that students rated their personal and social behavior as "sometimes" while teachers rated them as "always". Physical Violence and Threats have a significant effect on the personal behavior of the students while Sexual Violence and Psychological Violence has no significant effect.



The Department of Education's Child Protection Policy implemented in the school was effective wherein both teachers and students are aware of the content of the policy. To make it most effective, the school must provide a setting and training program about the policy followed by a strict implementation. A continuous assessment of students' services should maintain a well-balanced program of personal and social behavior of the students. 

